For sure! The money you put into your Lana account, up to $250,000, is FDIC-insured upon verification of your identity as the cardholder. Technically, Lana account funds are FDIC-insured up to the…
To find your account and routing numbers, follow these steps: Log in to your account Go to Profile Your account and routing number will be visible You can use this information to…
For questions related about your bank account, Lana Visa® Debit Card, or transactions, follow these steps: Log in to your account Go to Profile Then go to Get Help Choose the relevant topic…
Unemployment pay is a type of government benefit, which can be set up by calling the Treasury. Simply follow the steps below. Government Benefits Direct Deposit steps: Get your Lana Bank Account…
With your Lana Account and Routing numbers (found in your Profile), you can register to get your Economic Impact Payment directly deposited in your bank account. The steps are different depending on…